Are you or a loved one experiencing depression?
Most of us experience some depression at one point or another in our lives. In less severe cases, the symptoms may disappear on their own. But, when depression persists, it can quickly become a debilitating cycle that saps the enjoyment from activities we love, and cut us off from the relationships that help heal us.
Depression can be triggered from a variety of different circumstances. The circumstances may be environmental, such as the sudden loss of a loved one, a breakup, or even moving to a new city. These types of changes cause people a lot of emotional stress, and can often trigger depression.
Aside from environmental circumstances, depression also has a biological component to it. Like most mental health issues, there’s a psychological, biological, and social component to depression. At our clinic, we develop treatment plans that incorporate all three of those components to help empower our patients.
Don’t Isolate Yourself – We’re Here to Help
A common reaction to depression is to isolate yourself. If you’re feeling depressed, your instinct might be to pullback from friends and family. You might even avoid them simply because you don’t want to bring them down.
But, you don’t need to fight depression alone.
At The Center for Family and Lifespan Development and The Center for Psychological Health , we provide a safe, non-judgmental environment, and a staff of trained professionals who will work with you to develop a treatment approach that fits your specific needs.
We provide:
- Depression Screening
- Counseling & Psychotherapy
- Medication Management
Seattle Depression Screening & Evaluation
If you’ve been experiencing depression, it’s a good idea to see a mental health professional for an evaluation. They’ll then be able to work with you to develop a treatment plan that fits your specific needs. Below are a few of the most common symptoms of depression.
Symptoms of Depression:
- Feelings of being trapped, or stuck in place
- Mood swings
- Sleep disturbances
- Irritability
- Fatigue or constantly feeling tired
- Negative thinking
- Feelings of hopelessness or despair
- Social isolation
- Lack of self-worth
- Feelings of guilt
- Weight fluctuations
- Thoughts of death
- Self-medication using alcohol or drugs
At The Center for Family and Lifespan Development and The Center for Psychological Health we provide psychological screening and diagnosis for a variety of psychological and neurological disorders. If you’re suffering from the symptoms of depression, our staff will work with you to perform an evaluation and create a treatment plan that works for you.
Depression Counseling & Therapy
Most people with depression can benefit from talk therapy with a qualified therapist. At our Seattle and Federal Way clinics we provide a safe environment for you to explore your feelings free from judgement. Our therapists will be there to listen and counsel you through whatever challenges you are facing. They’ll be your ally in fighting depression.
From the moment you enter The Center for Family and Lifespan Development and The Center for Psychological Health, you’ll have a dedicated and qualified mental health provider to work with.
Is Medication Necessary for Treating Depression?
Medication is not always necessary for treating depression, but it can be effective when used as part of a treatment plan that also includes counseling, or cognitive behavioral therapy. But medication is never used alone as a solo method of treatment for depression.
The decision to treat with medication is one that’s decided on a case by case basis, and one that needs to be discussed with your doctor and mental health provider.
For those who do require medication, we have a Psychiatric Nurse on staff, to offer medication management.